Responsibility: Plastics

In my house back home my mom had our towns recycling key sheet up in the kitchen so you could check not only the type of plastic but also the different ways you could dispose of them. Already with our campus having compost and recycling bins I have been trying to be more conscious of sorting my food/compost, recycling and trash. In an ideal world I believe that this should be common, a good 50/50 between consumer and corporation. The creators of the product should have recycling and the environment in mind when creating and packaging their product, the community should have easy access to different levels of waste and it should be on the person consuming said product to then bring it to the necessary places it needs to go. Not a flawless system but with tweaking and work from all sides I do feel that we could easily solve the plastics problem. Reading about waste workers especially the garbageman’s stories really put it into perspective how one sided  the concept of waste removal is in our country. It depends entirely on overworked, underappreciated people trying to keep up with entire towns and cities worth of waste. A basically impossible task. So in the end I think it’s a much more simple issue that we have made extremely complicated, like trying to untangle string we have somehow created a knot.