Hoarding and Cleaning

There are so many things in my life that I believe people would call me a hoarder for having. I collect things from my travels. All sorts a small things that remind me of the places I’ve been around the world. It is a really great thing to do if you scrapbook, but I have a hard time remembering to put them in scrapbooks then you justhave a collection of random things that you eventually forget where you got them.  The holding on to things even when you don’t need them would qualify me as having hoarding tendencies. The only difference that I would justify is that I have the intention to use them in a meaning fun scrapbook but just never get around to it, which is a shame.  For example, I have a small collection of small ripped up paper from the netherlands and the UK that I got this last summer. They have very little value and mean nothing to everybody but me. I have held on to them and now they hold a special place in my mind just for them. The memories that come out of them make me smile and thats why I’ve held on to them. Its a great reminder that a different world is out there. Another example is the amount of clothing I have. I have much of my clothes from my childhood that no longer fits that I keep because I want to have the remembrance of wearing them. Along with wanting to give them to my kids when I grow up. I think that hoarding has to do a lot with the past experience of people. There is a chance that If people grew up without having things that were stabbly their own, then they might feel the interest to hoard things that are now their own things. A coping mechanism that makes them trust themselves and their things more. Just a thought.