Reclaiming “Waste”

The object that I reclaimed is a piece of film that was at one point in the hands of an artist. The film has some markings that are seen in the light. This was “waste” that had been put into the trash bin in the arts village. I decided to take this piece because it is beautiful to me and I wanted to put it on my wall. I know that this was at one point something that someone had made, yet thrown away. I do not know why, but it is now able to bring me joy by adorning my room. The process of going through the trash was a pretty comfortable experience, I knew that there would be no food waste that I would feel gross touching. It was interesting to see the amount of thrown-out art, and objects that artists had deemed unimportant. I saw many sketches and scraped projects, and it made me think of the number of times I had given up on projects because they did not go the way that I wanted them to. I wonder if anyone would have found beauty in things I did not.