Shit Prompt

I worked in a daycare for all of my high school years. Something that comes with the job is to change diapers, and generally help children in the bathroom, and I have become very desensitized to baby shit. I have been thinking about recently, with our conversations around shit, how all of my coworkers and I talked about shit. Normal conversations in the daycare would center around how a certain child was eating and how they were feeling based on their shit. We could tell if one child was not feeling well, or if they were not eating enough fiber or fruits, we could also gauge their levels of stress based on how often they went to the bathroom. It is interesting that we can pick up on subtle changes in a child’s mood or health based on something so ostracized in other settings. This mindset around shit is something that is not seen in many other settings and it makes me wonder what it would be like if everyone shared this mindset.