Painting from the middle of nowhere

last summer I found a really cool painting out by the side of the rode it VT. I’d just finished a backpacking trip and was hiking along a forest service rode to get back to a town where I could be picked up, and someone had dumped this landscape painting of what I assume were the Green Mountains off on the side of the road. I was miles from civilization and the only vehicles on that road at all were forest service trucks, so I have no idea how the painting ended up there. It was really well done, and still in pretty good shape even though it was raining at the time and it had definitely gotten wet. I picked it up and walked with it the rest of the way, and put it up in my room at home when I got back.  It’s still there, although I don’t have any photos of it on hand. I don’t know why the painting would have been seen as waste- I guess someone was trying to get rid of it, but it seems like there are a lot of other, more obvious ways to dispose of something like that than to throw it in the middle of the woods. I definitely would not consider it to be waste, it’s beautiful and someone obviously put a lot of effort into making it, so I’m glad I found it and was able to salvage it.