Shit thoughts

I never thought I would be thinking this indepthly about a word I hear often and associate with the nasty and unwanted. It’s wild to me that there once was a time before we knew anything about being “dirty” or germs where we would have been comfortable announcing to the world that the smelly thing that comes out of us after we eat should be something we harvest and eat… Something I thought of after class was that in this day and age people would trust eating their own shit more. Sounds weird but hear me out, imagine you know nothing you know now about your body and how it works and imagine using the bathroom. Would one of the thoughts that crossed your mind really be ‘how do I eat this??’ Now with all our technology and knowledge now, especially if someone like Elon Musk for example was to put out an announcement about his new planet saving invention that ‘recycles all human waste’ people would be all over it. Just an interesting thought and not something that feels too far fetched. As someone pointed out in class, we already are drinking filtered pee. Though one of the blog posts I just read made a very good point about it being a lot closer to water and therefore a lot easier to comprehend. I guess the conclusion to all of this is that I still don’t know what side I agree with more. The idea and everything icks me out but I could also trust some of the tech to completely change it. Who knows what our future holds. I just hope it’s a lot less shitty.