Disruption in Bulk Trash

Although this example does not have to do with forms of protest or resistance, something that comes to mind is the time of year when large trash is picked up, like furniture and other things that are difficult to transport and dispose of normally. During this time of year, there is a common agreeance that you can go into someone else’s property in order to look through this trash and see what you want. During any other time of year, looking through someone else’s trash is frowned upon, and could result in the property owners being upset, or even calling the police. During the large trash pick up, you often see people driving around in their cars or trucks, stopping outside people’s houses, and digging through the piles of trash. This time of year is when things are the most reused since things that were being thrown out get to have a new chance at life in a new home, reducing the amount these people need to buy, and showing a level of community and care that is not normally present during the rest of the year.