
If I were an archaeologist 1000 years from now I would find a cataloged collection of everything that we have made from plastics. For example, just the masks from this global pandemic and every other for the next 1000 years. The mountains of waste that we create. There is a chance that we decide to stop producing plastics and single use plastics in the future but it will not be anytime soon. We are going to find out the repercussions of our mistakes and innovations. The solutions surrounding the global climate crisis will not be found in the heaping piles of plastic. We need to find the change in ourselves to stop using all the plastic that we don’t need. We just could say no to plastic. It may make our lifes a whole lot less convenient, but learning to live without the conveniences would be revolutionary. The large corporations that are making certain people wealthier and wealthier aren’t taking the problems seriously enough. The landfills are filled with out waste that is packed down years and years at a time. If someone could catalog every year’s waste in one place, we could learn so much about human habits and evolution. The evolution of what we are making, creating, and destroying  would be in one place.