The Woods as a Form of Waste Separation

The woods on campus are not something most people would think of when they think of waste, but when thinking about what the trail is called, a “nature trail”, you start to realize that it’s related to waste separation more than you might have originally thought. Nature trails are meant to be a way of allowing people to separate themselves from technology, buildings, and generally any visible human influences on the world. This can be thought of as a form of waste separation, although instead of removing the waste from the view of people, the people are being removed from the waste. In this case, the waste is not really being taken care of, since this form of waste separation is just ignoring the issues at hand in favor of looking at the parts of the world that do not look like they are fully affected. This, unfortunately, leads to waste being added to these areas since people will throw empty bottles and food wrappers on the ground deciding that it does not matter since they will never see it again.