Conceptualizing Waste

Something I chose to conceptualize waste are magazines, since there are multiple perspectives about it. The disposability is one of the first conceptualizations I think of related to magazines. This is most likely due to the fact that it’s not like a book where you can read and re-experience the story over again, it’s information/news. After you become aware of news, one can say that it’s not something to re-read, so it no longer has a purpose. Secondly, there’s resourceability because they can be repurposed in different unique methods. Just to name a few: jewelry, buttons, paper mache, and other crafty things. I think seeing the potential in items generally deemed disposable requires a different type of consciousness that I find interesting. Thirdly, hoardability comes to mind due to the large quantity of it amongst hoarders. Items in the paper family are easy to accumulate and often more accessible. It becomes tough considering that some hoarders feel guilty of throwing things out, so in their mind they’re combatting wasteful practices. I think the disposable conceptualization makes the most sense as to why they’re considered to be waste. As technology advances, so should access to media news services so there isn’t this bearing amount of magazines in your home.