Pollution- Cars!!

I think a very common daily activity for most people, including myself, that produces a lot of pollution, is driving. Vehicles that run on fossil fuels obviously produce carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change. There have been a lot of recent efforts to move towards electric cars, but I see multiple issues with this, too. First of all, those cars are pretty unaffordable for most people, and are something that, at the moment, is only accessible to the elite class in the US. Also, except under the circumstance that a person with an electric car has solar panels or another form of green energy to charge their car off of (also only available to the elite), electric cars are powered by the grid, which is powered, at least in large part, by coal. This, although maybe less wasteful than gas or diesel, still has a significant environmental impact. I don’t know a whole lot about cars and the pollution they produce, but what I’ve gathered is that the only real way to eliminate pollution entirely from the practice of driving is to have exclusively electric cars powered by solar panels. Most of America struggles to afford to get our basic needs met, and, on top of that, all of our cities are designed to only be accessible by car, and are not walkable at all. People have to drive to work, to the grocery store, to bring their kids to school. We are a long ways away from being able to achieve this vision of pollution-less driving, and it is entirely unfair to expect most individual people to take responsibility for enacting it. What we need to do first is eliminate economic inequality, switch over on a country-wide scale to more sustainable energy practices, make our cities more accessible, place stricter regulations (at the very least) on the practices of large corporations, and put our money and resources, as a country, towards the people and the environment rather than whatever the hell we are putting them towards right now- all of these things will then set us up to be able to make lasting changes in our rates of pollution and c02 emissions. Making more Teslas is not going to cut it.