Personal responsibility

Food waste. I think food waste is a category of waste that I feel most personally responsible for. I try hard not to waste food, and I feel like a shit bag everytime I do. I feel bad when I go to a restaurant and the table next to me is full of the scraps of another person’s meal, and I’m not allowed to  eat it, I have to let the waiter take it away and throw it in the trash. And then I have to order my own food, when I would have been fine with the food from another person’s table. My uneaten food becomes someone else’s responsibility the second it is out of my sight. It shouldn’t be like that. I don’t want to think like that. I’m a damn sheep in an oppressive system! A sheep! And I hate it! I don’t know who deals with my food waste next, and I think that has been deliberately done. Look what individualism has done to us. Individuality is a made up idea that does not exist in nature. Separation is how they control us. They have stolen us from each other! And then they pretend we have a choice. If it isn’t accessible to the BIPOC community, to the poor, or the disabled, then it’s not real. They have forced me into complacency! I will never forgive them for it.

Michael F. Maniates writes “When responsibility for environmental problems is individualized, there is little room to ponder institutions, the nature and exercise of political power, or ways of collectively changing the distribution of power and influence in society”. They make it inescapable. Only those with privilege can separate themself.