Distancing Infrastructures

A place around campus that I feel as if it hold a foundation of waste is the Kern. With the Kern being a zero emission building there is a very interesting aspect of the understanding of the grounds. Last year while taking a tour of the kern building I learned about the different aspects of the building that make it so special and unique. The composting toilets are a very special part of the building. I feel as if it gives the building a very cool personality. There is character in it. I personally feel like the waste that humans make comes in so many forms that we exclude liking most of them when it comes to social norms. The composting toilets go through cycles of getting cleans and turned to compost and the grey water from the building gets filtered many times. That grey water once filtered got back into watering the plants in and around the Kern building. The kern holds many impressive fleats of engineering that makes it such a cool space to be in and around. Its a great place on campus.