Lost Clothes

In the Dakin laundry room there is a large bin where donated clothes can go. It’s no a “waste bin” but if you would like to get rid of clothes you don’t want, that’s the place to put them. Also if you leave your laundry on the floor or couch for numerous of days, it may end up in there as well. By having that bin, it stops people from throwing their clothes in the dumpster. Although it may not serve a purpose to them, someone else can take it. by avoiding throwing clothes away, we can donate or give it away so we can either reuse the fabric or pass down a piece of clothing. Some idiots like to throw trash and lint in there. Being oblivious that there’s a photo of a clothing item, they still find a way to put things that don’t belong. People’s waste getting mixed with clothes would make the staff probably want to throw the clothes away. Nobody want to pick trash out of clothes.