Empty Vessel Filled with a New Purpose

I have been sick for a while, so I have been going through a lot of ibuprofen for my sore throat. After I finished the bottle, I threw it in the trash can in my dorm room. Then I noticed the yarn scraps on my desk and realized that the ibuprofen bottle is the perfect size to store small scraps of yarn. I grabbed the bottle from my trash. I wasn’t very worried about retrieving it because I knew everything that was in there already. Generally, when something has served its purpose, it is trash, it no longer has a use unless you give it one. For this bottle its main purpose was to hold medicine, when the medicine was gone it became an empty vessel until I decided to fill it with yarn scraps and then it had a purpose again. Things are only trash when you can’t imagine any more uses for them. That is why the three Rs are so important: before something becomes trash it should be reduced, reused, and then recycled, that way it continues to serve a purpose even after the original one is complete.