
In today’s culture, shit is seen as a dirty substance we no longer want in our bodies. Along with no longer wanting it around us in general, by creating  indoor plumbing systems that sends our shit away from us so that we never have to deal with it again. There are figures of speech around shit and many jokes made in the media that reflect the ideas many people in society hold around shit. In the farming communities around the world, animal shit is incredibly valuable.  Refreshing the fields with new nutrients each time it is put into the soil. Society tells people what they should think, by when it comes to what comes out of our bodies we can’t change that. Everyone poops. It’s true, there is no animal on this planet that doesn’t shit. Through the readings many things came into the light for me, almost all of the first outhouses and bathrooms in the US were absolutely disgusting. The photos shown in Gerling’s article captured a very gross version of what bathrooms used to be like in cities. I would never want to live in today’s day and age without indoor plumbing. I can imagine a perfectly fine world in which I could live without indoor plumbing systems.