Responsibility and Waste Workers

Today I rescued a metal thermos that someone had thrown away because the handle of it started to fall apart and the paint is chipping on the edges. I thought that it would be completely fine. I washed it out thoroughly with hot water and soap and will wash it one more time before I use it, just because I like things to be clean before I use them after trading hands. There is a chance that there was a perfectly normal reason for the person to get rid of the thermos. I think it is in good condition, it just doesn’t look brand new anymore. There are all sorts of things that are thrown away all the time that I feel like should be able to be given or taken by waste workers without any repercussions of any kind. There is a social structure of thinking that waste workers are less than because they deal with other people’s trash, but if we didn;t have these essential workers in our public works then our everyday lives would look very different. There is a great possibility that excess trash and waste would be thrown about on the streets of cities more than they already are. Along with the waste we would have piling up in our lives, our houses, and yards.