Dirt: Matter Out of Place

On the typical day of me working on the farm, we see a lot of produce that goes bad. There is an entire food production process that throws away produce that seems to be a little bit hard. In my mind, I have a hard time throwing away food. It takes a lot out of me to toss away perfectly good food that no one wants to buy. The farmstand I work at, has to throw away produce once it starts going bad so that it doesn’t make the rest of the produce rot also. A good example of this is the tomatoes, they go bad quickly and take out a couple previously good tomatoes with them. The problem with people thinking that food is waste, is that people are less considerate about where and when we decide that produce is no longer good to each. I think eating rotten vegetables is really nasty but at the same time I believe that there is so much produce at local farms that would still be perfectly good to give to food pantries and community kitchens. There is a community of homeless people that lives in the small cities around here that I believe would have a much better time getting good produce if the farms were able to give produce directly to them. I don’t believe that the food ‘waste’ I make in my house is bad because we have chickens to eat the scraps.