Comfort Zone of Shit

Often humans believe shit is gross. Whether it’s the shit we let out in our toilets or what is seen on the streets. Yes, it smells horrific and looks nasty, especially diarrhea but when it’s poop from an infant, animal or a beloved pet of ours we accept it. When our children, nieces, nephews, or child we baby sit poops its our job to change them. We are aware that they need are assistance and they can’t use the bathroom on their own so we take initiative and help them out. We smell the nastiness but its not as bad as dealing with poop out of our confort zone. For instance wild animals shit in public and we are okay with it because that their natural bathroom. We may walk around it but we don’t mind it because we think that’s normal. When it come to our personal pets we are okay with picking up their poop versus a stranger’s dog. We only deal with poop in our confort zone and when it doesn’t seem “normal” poop can be the nastiest thing in the world.