
In my space now I am actually lacking a lot of my usual clutter. Back home my bookshelves are overflowing with books and knick knacks from all ages and stages of my life. I like to call it my personal museum. Without the clutter that I have collected though it has allowed me to start new collections which have yet to grow very much. So far the thing I have found myself filling my space with the most has been food. Last year the dining commons and I didn’t get along so this year I have an overabundance of non perishable foods like snacks and microwave meals stacked and in boxes all over my room. That and cooking items.. So many pots, pans, spices,  bowls etc. But the only thing that makes it a bigger deal or more of a clutter is it being in a space that it normally is not. If all of my items were in a kitchen I doubt someone would even really notice that they existed.