How Waste Can Fluctuate

A plastic bottle of soda that has been drunk is considered waste. It is an extremely common object that people pick up after every gas station trip or meal at the Bridge. You will find a plastic bottle in pretty much every trash can or recycling bin on campus. “Matter out of place” is how Mary Douglas defines dirt, in this case a plastic bottle would qualify. When it was full it was matter in the correct place but by the time it was empty it became out of place because it can no longer be used for its intended purpose. “Use” or “potential” is a better way of distinguishing what is dirty and what is not. That concept would also allow the ideas of dirty and clean to fluctuate and change based on perspective. When it comes to a plastic bottle it could be considered dirty or waste when you finish your drink but you could also wash it and use it again which would prevent it from being waste, or you could recycle it and it could become something new which would prevent it from becoming waste, or it could be tightly packed full of plastic and become an eco-brick to build a home and prevent even more waste.