Present: Lee, Tom, Bill, Tim, Karthik (scribe), Mike, Beryl, Wren, Satyajeet, Frode (Hangouts)
Overview of domains people think they’re working on during the semester:
Wren: Calcium dynamics of pollen tubes. First tasks once the relevant data is here – inferring an equation from the data?
Beryl: Currently interested in the Quantum Computing domain. Some references of work to build on -> ( )
Mike: Interested in analytics of crime data. Data acquisition might be significantly non-trivial. Potential collaborations with CSSI at UMass? ( ) ? {Also lookup for potentially interesting data for work along these lines. }
Karthik: Focus this semester -> Semantic-Code Search integrated with an EC system, Lexicase-GSX, Human-Readable GP
Tim: Classifier for a bladder cancer problem. First classifier – Weka C4.5?
Bill: Epigenetic layering tests. Intention to test the system beyond hand-picked problems.
Tom: ( Lexicase selection paper accepted to the IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation. ) Benchmark problems for GP. Improvements to Clojush.
Frode: Clojush simplification during a run as a genetic operator.