Article PDFs



Leatherman, T, and AH Goodman. Building on the Biocultural Synthesis: 20 Years and Still Expanding.  American Journal of Human Biology. 2020, 32:4. (Editors pick).  PDF

Reflections on “Race” in Science and Society in the United States.  Journal of Anthropological Sciences., 2017 PDF

Nutritional Status in Past Human Groups.  In: Janet Chrzan and John Brett (eds.) Food Research: Nutritional Anthropology and Archaeological Methods  Methods, pp183 – 196, Berghahn Books., 2017 PDF

Skin Color: In John Stone et al. (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of RaceEthnicity and Nationalism, Wiley:Blackwell: Boston., 2016 PDF

AH Goodman, AC Swedlund, P Brown.  George John Armelagos (1936-2014).  American Anthropologist, 117(1), 2015 PDF

DH Temple and AH Goodman.  Bioarchaeology has a health” problem: conceptualizing “stress” and “health” in bioarchaeological research.  Am. J. Phys. Anthrop.  155(2): 186-191., 2014 PDF

Presidential Address.  Bringing Culture into Human Biology and Biology Back into Anthropology American Anthropologists.  115(3): 359-373., 2013 PDF

J Farrell, D Amarasiriwardena, AH Goodman and B Arriaza.  Bioimaging of trace metals in ancient Chilean mummies and contemporary Egyptian teeth by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS).  Microchemical Journal 106:340-346., 2013 PDF

GP Pelto, AH Goodman and DL Dufour.  The Biocultural Perspective in Nutritional Anthropology.  In: DL Dufour, AH Goodman and G Pelto (eds.), Nutritional Anthropology: Biocultural Perspectives on Food and Nutrition, 2e. Oxford University Press, pp 1-6., 2013 Amazon

TL Leatherman and AH Goodman. Critical Biomedical Approaches in Medical Anthropology.  In. M. Singer and P Ericson (eds.) A Companion to Medical Anthropology.  Wiley-Blackwell.  Pp 29-48., 2011 PDF

TL Leatherman, AH Goodman and Tobias Stillman.  Changes in Stature, Weight and Nutritional Status with Tourism-Based Economic Development in the Yucatan  Economics and Human Biology 8(2):153-158., 2010 PDF

AE Dolphin and AH Goodman.  Maternal Diets, Nutritional Status, and Zinc in Contemporary Mexican Infants’ Teeth” Implications for Reconstructing Paleodiets.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology 140:399-409., 2009 PDF

Exposing Race as an Obsolete Biological Concept.  In: M. Pollock (ed.) Everyday AntiRacism.  The New Press: New York. Pp 4-8, 2008 PDF

Race, Human Variation and Health, the Interaction of.  In: K. Heggenhougen (ed.) International    Encyclopedia of Public Health.  Elsevier, 5:471-5., 2008 PDF

Preface: Framing Health, Risk and Adversity.  In C. Painter-Brick and A Fuentes (eds.) Health, Risk and Adversity.  Berghahn Books, Pp xiiv – xvi., 2008 PDF

AH Goodman, J Jones, J Reid, M Mack, ML Blakey, D Amarasiriwardena, P Burton, and D Coleman. Isotopic and Elemental Chemistry of Teeth:  Implications for Places of Birth, Forced Migration Patterns, Nutritional Status and Pollution.  In: ML Blakey and LM Rankin-Hill (eds.), New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Report. General Services Administration and Howard University, Washington., 2006 PDF

ML Blakey, M Mack, AR Barrett, SS Mahoney and AH Goodman.  Childhood Health and Dental Development.  In: ML Blakey and LM Rankin-Hill (eds.), New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Report. General Services Administration and Howard University, Washington., 2006 PDF

ME Mack, ML Blakey, AH Goodman and A Mayes. Odontological Indicators of Disease, Diet and Nutritional Inadequacy. In: ML Blakey and LM Rankin-Hill (eds.), New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Report. General Services Administration and Howard University, Washington., 2006 PDF

ML Blakey, LM Rankin-Hill, F Jackson and AH Goodman.  Discussion.  In: ML Blakey and LM Rankin-Hill (eds.), New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Report. General Services Administration and Howard University, Washington., 2006 PDF

“I’m” Pure Biology: The Deadly Synergy of Racialization and Geneticization.  In: B. Hartmann, B. Subramaniam and C. Zerner (eds.) Making Threats: Bio Fears and Environmental Anxieties, Rowman & Littlifield, pp 149-156., 2005 Amazon

Dolphin, AE AH Goodman and DD Amarasiriwardena.  Variation in Elemental Intensities Among Teeth and Between Pre- and Postnatal Regions.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 127: 878-888., 2005 PDF

Webb, Ellen, Dulasiri Amarasiriwardena, Socheata Tauch, Ethan F Green, Joseph Jones, Alan H Goodman. Inductively coupled plasma-mass (ICP-MS) and atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES): Versatile analytical techniques to identify the archived elemental information in human teeth. Microchemical Journal 81:201-208., 2005 PDF

TL Leatherman and AH Goodman.  Context and Complexity in Human Biological Research.  In S McKinnon and S Silverman (eds.), Complexities: Beyond Nature and Nurture. University of Chicago Press, 179-195., 2005 PDF

TL Leatherman and AH Goodman.  Coca-Colonization of Diets in the Yucatan.  Social Science and Medicine. 61:833-846., 2005 PDF

D Kang, D Amarasiriwardena and AH Goodman.  Application of laser ablation-inductively coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to investigate trace metal spatial distributions in human tooth enamel and dentine growth layers and pulp. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry378: 1608-1615., 2004 PDF

J. Backstrand, AH Goodman, L Allen and G. Pelto.  Pulque intake during pregnancy and lactation in rural Mexico:  Alcohol and child growth from 1 to 57 months.  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 58:1626-1634., 2004 PDF

AH Goodman, AE Dolphin, D Amarasiriwardena, R Klein, JR Backstrand and P Outridge.  Tooth Rings: Dental Enamel as a Chronological Biomonitor of Elemental Absorption from Pregnancy to Adolescence.  Journal of Children’s Health 1(2): 203-214., 2003 PDF

MS Lindee, AH Goodman and D Heath.  Introduction.  Anthropology in an Age of Genetics: Practice Discourse, Critique.  In: A Goodman, S Lindee and D Heath (eds.), Genetic Nature/Culture: Anthropology and Science Beyond the Two-Culture Divide. University of California Press, pp 1-19., 2003 PDF

DL Martin and AH Goodman.  Health Conditions before Columbus: Paleopathology of Native North Americans.  Western Journal of Medicine 176:65-68., 2002 PDF

AH Goodman and DL Martin.  Reconstructing Health Profiles from Skeletal Remains. In: RH Steckel and JC Rose (eds., The Backbone of History: Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp 11-61., 2002 and AL Stodder, DL Martin, AH Goodman and DT Reff. Cultural Longevity and Biological Stress in the American Southwest.  In: RH Steckel and JC Rose (eds) The Backbone of History: Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp 481-505., 2002  Amazon

Six Wrongs of Racial Science. In: C Stokes, T Melendez and G Rhodes-Reed (eds.), Race in 21stCentury America.  Lansing: Michigan State University Press, pp 25-47. 2001 PDF

Why Genes Don’t Count (for Racial Differences in Health).  American Journal of Public Health90(11): 1699-1702., 2000 PDF

AH Goodman and E Hammonds.  Reconciling Race and Human Adaptability: Charleton Coon and the Persistence of Race in Scientific Discourse.  Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers 84:28-44., 2000 PDF

DL Martin and AH Goodman.  Health Conditions Before Columbus.  In E R Rhoades (ed.), American Indian Health. Johns Hopkins University Press, pp 19-40., 2000 PDF

GP Pelto, AH Goodman and DL Dufour.  The Biocultural Perspective in Nutritional Anthropology.  In: AH Goodman, DL Dufour and GH Pelto (eds.), Nutritional Anthropology: Biocultural Perspectives on Food and Nutrition.  Mayfield, pp 1-10., 2000 PDF

Biological Diversity and Cultural Diversity: From Race to Radical Bioculturalism.  In I. Susser and T Patterson (eds.), Cultural Diversity in the United States: A Critical Reader.  Blackwell:NY, pp 43-59., 2000 PDF

AH Goodman and RJ Song.  Sources of Variation in Estimated Ages at Formation of Linear Enamel Hypoplasias.  In: R Hoppa and C Fitzgerald (eds.), Human Growth in the Past: Studies from Bones and Teeth.  Cambridge University Press: New York, pp 210-240, 1999 PDF

AH Goodman and DL Martin. The potential and potential pitfalls of evolutionary medicine.  In A Guerci (ed.), Anthropology and the History of Health and Disease. Genova, Italy, pp 101-115., 1999 PDF

AH Goodman and TL Leatherman.  Transversing the Chasm between Biology and Culture: An Introduction.  In: AH Goodman and TL Leatherman (eds.), Building a New Biocultural Synthesis: Political-Economic Perspectives on Human Biology. U. Michigan Press, pp 3–40., 1998 PDF

GJ Armelagos and AH Goodman.  Race, Racism and Anthropology.  In: AH Goodman and TL Leatherman (eds.), Building a New Biocultural Synthesis: Political-Economic Perspectives on Human Biology.  U. Michigan Press, pp 359-377., 1998 Book

The Biological Consequences of Inequality in Prehistory.  In: AH Goodman and TL Leatherman (eds.), Building a New Biocultural Synthesis: Political-Economic Perspectives in Biological Anthropology. U. of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, pp 147-169., 1998 PDF

Variation in Tooth Formation and Eruption. In: SJ Ulijaszek, FE Johnson and MA Preece (eds.), Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth. Cambridge University Press, pp 209-211., 1998 PDF

Developmental Defects of Dental Enamel.  In: SJ Ulijaszek, FE Johnson and MA Preece (eds.), Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth. Cambridge University Press, pp 210-11., 1998 Book

Race and Anthropology: A Fatal Attraction? Reviews in Anthropology, pp 203-220., 1997 PDF

AH Goodman. Bred in the Bone? (1997) The Sciences, March/April 20–25. PDF

AH Goodman and GJ Armelagos.  The Resurrection of Race: The Concept of Race in Physical Anthropology in the 1990’s.  In LT Reynolds and L Lieberman (eds.), Race and Other Miscalculations, Misconceptions and Mismeasures: Papers in Honor of Ashley Montagu.  General Hall Publishers, Dix Hill, N.Y., pp 174-186., 1996 PDF

AH Goodman, DL Martin and GJ Armelagos.  The Biological Consequences of Inequality in Prehistory.  Revista di Antropologia 73:30-45., 1996 PDF

Early Life Stresses and Adult Health: Insights from Dental Enamel Development.  In: C J K Henry and S J Ulijaszek (eds.), Long-term Consequences of Early Environment: Growth, Development and the Lifespan Developmental Perspective.  Cambridge University Press: New York, pp 163-182., 1996 PDF

Glorification of the Genes — Genetic Determinism and Racism in Science.  In M Baumann, J Bell, F Koechin and M Pimbert (eds.), The Life Industry: Biodiversity, People and Profits.  Intermediate Technology Publications: London, pp 149-160., 1996 PDF

The Problematics of “Race” in Contemporary Biological Anthropology.  In: NT Boaz and LD Wolfe (eds.), Biological Anthropology: The State of the Science. Bend, Oregon, International Inst. of Human Evolutionary Research, pp 215-239., 1995 PDF

DL Martin and AH Goodman.  Demography, Diet and Disease in the Transitional Basketmaker III/Pueblo I Period. In: FE Smiley and SA Gregg (eds.), Studies in Ridges Basin Archaeology, Research Papers, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, pp 1-48., 1995 PDF

Cartesian Reductionism and Vulgar Adaptationism: Issues in the Interpretation of Nutritional Status in Prehistory.  In: K Sobolik (ed.), Paleonutrition: The Diet of Prehistoric Americans, Center for Archaeological Investigations Occasional Papers No. 22, Southern Ill. Univ., Carbondale, pp 163-177., 1994 PDF

On the Interpretation of Health from Skeletal Remains.  Current Anthropology 34:281-288., 1993 PDF

TL Leatherman, AH Goodman and RB Thomas.  On Seeking Common Ground between Medical Ecology and Critical Medical Anthropology.  Medical Anthropology Quarterly 7:202-207., 1993 PDF

J Maunders, AH Goodman, and A Froment.  The Ecology of Enamel Hypoplastic Defects among Seven Cameroonian Groups.  Journal of Human Ecology, Special Issue, 2:109-116., 1992 PDF

AH Goodman, DL Martin, CP Klein, MS Peele, NA Cruse, LR McEwen, A Saeed and BR Robinson.  Cluster Bands, Wilson Bands and Pit Patches: Histological and Enamel Surface Indicators of Stress in the Black Mesa Anasazi Population. In: AH Goodman and LL Capasso (eds.), Recent Contributions to the Study of Enamel Developmental Defects, Edigrafital Termano, Italy,  pp 115-128., 1992 PDF

AH Goodman, GH Pelto, LA Allen and A Chavez.  Socioeconomic and Anthropometric Correlates of Linear Enamel Hypoplasia in Children From Solis, Mexico. In: AH Goodman and LL Capasso (eds.), Recent Contributions to the Study of Enamel Developmental Defects, Edigrafital Termano, Italy, pp 373-380., 1992 PDF

AH Goodman, DL Martin and GJ Armelagos.  Health, Economic Change, and Regional Political Economic Relations: Examples from Prehistory.  MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology 9:51-60., 1992 PDF

Death and Disease at Dr. Dickson’s Mounds Revisited. In: J Miller and PM Glazer (eds.), Words That Ring Like Trumpets: A Collection of Work by Hampshire College Faculty. The Trustees of Hampshire College, pp 61-70., 1992 Amazon

AH Goodman, C Martinez, and A Chavez.  Nutritional Supplementation and Enamel Developmental Defects in Children from Tezonteopan, Mexico.  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition53:773-81., 1991 PDF

GJ Armelagos, AH Goodman and KH Jacobs.  The Origins of Agriculture: Population Growth during a Period of Declining Health.  Population and Environment 13(1): 9-22., 1991 PDF

AH Goodman and JC Rose.  Dental Enamel Hypoplasias as Indicators of Nutritional Status.  In M Kelley and C Larsen (eds.), Advances in Dental Anthropology.  Wiley-Liss: New York. pp 279-293., 1991 PDF

Health, Adaptation, and Maladaptation in Past Societies.  In: H Bush and M Zvelebil (eds.), Health in Past Societies.  BAR International Series #567, Oxford, pp 31-38., 1991 PDF

GJ Armelagos and AH Goodman.  The Concept of Stress and Its Relevance to Studies of Adaptation in Prehistoric Populations.  Collegium Antropologicum 15:45-58., 1991 PDF

Paleoepidemiological Inference and Neanderthal Dental Enamel Hypoplasias: A Reply to Neiberger.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85:461-2., 1991 PDF

AH Goodman and JC Rose.  Assessment of Systemic Physiological Perturbations from Dental Enamel Hypoplasias and Associated Histological Structures. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology33:59-110., 1990 PDF

AH Goodman, C Martinez, A Chavez and H Martinez.  Suplemento Nutricional y Defectos Del Esmalte Dental.  Estudios de Antropologia Biologica, 5:465-476., 1990 PDF

AH Goodman and GJ Armelagos.  Infant and Childhood Morbidity and Mortality Risks in Archaeological Populations.  World Archaeology 21(2): 225-243., 1989 PDF

GJ Armelagos, DP Van Gerven, AH Goodman, JM Calcagno.  Post-Pleistocene Facial Reduction, Biomechanics and Selection Against Morphological Complex Teeth:  A Rejoinder to Macciarelli and Bondioli.  Journal of Human Evolution 4 (1):1-7., 1989 PDF

Dental Enamel Hypoplasias in Prehistoric Populations.  Advances in Dental Research 3(2):265-271., 1989 PDF

AH Goodman, RB Thomas, AC Swedlund and GJ Armelagos.  Biocultural Perspectives on Stress in Prehistoric, Historical, and Contemporary Population Research.  Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 31: 169-202., 1988 PDF

AH Goodman and GJ Armelagos.  Childhood Stress, Cultural Buffering and Decreased Longevity in a Prehistoric Population.  American Anthropologist 90(4):936-944., 1988 PDF

The Chronology of Enamel Hypoplasias in an Industrial Population:  A Reappraisal of Sarnat and Schour (1941, 1942) Human Biology 60(5):781-791., 1988 PDF

AH Goodman, LH Allen, GP Hernandez, A Amador, LV Arriola, A Chavez, and GH Pelto.  The Prevalence and Age at Development of Enamel Hypoplasias in Mexican Children.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology 72:7-19., 1987 PDF

AH Goodman, GJ Armelagos, DP Van Gerven, and JM Calcagno.  Post Mesolithic Craniofacial and Dental Reduction in Sudanese Nubia.  In R David (ed.), Science in Egyptology. Manchester University Press:  Manchester, pp 201-211., 1986 PDF

AH Goodman and GJ Armelagos.  Disease and Death at Dr. Dickson’s Mounds.  Natural History(September 12-18)., 1985 PDF

AH Goodman and GJ Armelagos.  Factors Affecting the Distribution of Enamel Hypoplasias within the Human Permanent Dentition.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology 68(4):479-493., 1985 PDF

AH Goodman and GJ Armelagos.  The Chronological Distribution of Enamel Hypoplasias: A Comparison of Incisor and Canine Patterns.  Archives of Oral Biology 30(6):502-507., 1985 PDF

AH Goodman, GJ Armelagos and JC Rose.  The Chronological Distribution of Enamel Hypoplasias from Prehistoric Dickson Mounds Populations.  American Journal of Physical Anthropology 65:259-266., 1984 PDF

AH Goodman, DL Martin and GJ Armelagos.  Indicators of Stress from Bones and Teeth.  In: MN Cohen and GJ Armelagos (eds.), Paleopathology and the Origins of Agriculture. Academic Press:  N.Y, pp 13-49., 1984 PDF

DL Martin, GJ Armelagos, AH Goodman, and DP Van Gerven.  The Effects of Socioeconomic Change in Prehistoric Africa: Sudanese Nubia as a Case Study.  In: MN Cohen and GJ Armelagos (eds.), Paleopathology and the Origins of Agriculture.  Academic Press: N.Y, pp 193-214., 1984 PDF

AH Goodman, J Lallo, GJ Armelagos and JC Rose.  Health Changes at Dickson Mounds, Illinois (950-1300 A.D.).  In: MN Cohen and GJ Armelagos (eds.), Paleopathology and the Origins of Agriculture, Academic Press: N.Y, pp 271-305., 1984 PDF

R Huss-Ashmore, AH Goodman and GJ Armelagos.  Nutritional Inference from Paleopathology.  In: M Schiffer (ed.), Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory. Academic Press: N.Y, 5:395-474., 1982 PDF

AH Goodman, and GA Clark.  Harris Lines as Indicators of Stress in Prehistoric Illinois Populations.  In: Biocultural AdaptationComprehensive Approaches to Skeletal Analysis.  U. Massachusetts Research Report Series in Anthropology, Amherst, No. 20, pp 35-47., 1981 PDF

DL Martin, AH Goodman and GJ Armelagos. On the Use of Microstructural Bone for Age Determination.  Current Anthropology 22(4):437-438., 1981 PDF

AH Goodman, GJ Armelagos and JC Rose.  Enamel Hypoplasias as Indicators of Stress in Three Prehistoric Populations from Illinois.  Human Biology 52(3):515-528., 1980 Book

GJ Armelagos, AH Goodman and KH Jacobs.  The Ecological Perspective in Disease.  In: M.H. Logan and E.E. Hunt (eds.), Health and the Human Condition:  Perspectives in Medical Anthropology, Duxbury: No. Scituate, MA, pp 71-84., 1978 PDF