Impractical Palynology

Impractical Palynology

Impractical Palynology
Neil Young Cloaca
5 mins, HD, silent, January 2015
January 8-26, 2015

“Particles are trapped in overdub-telephone between lens and screen, divining the point when observed movement becomes deliberate choreography.”

Neil Young Cloaca is an artist who makes music, nonmusic, moving images, and events.  Throughout his practice, composed constraint is played against chance discovery. A coded signal is misinterpreted and somehow becomes scripture. An image speaks for a sound, a sound depicts an event, an event marks an image in a mutating anagrammatic slippage of media and time.

He graduated from Hampshire College in 1999 and his work has been screened in and he has performed at schools and independent art centers throughout North America and Europe. Currently, he is Manager of Media Services at Hampshire College and lives in Turners Falls, MA.