Maybe it is a bold move. I chose water as a ‘green’ item. When we wash the dishes or do our laundry, we use water and this water goes to waste, but not all of it. If the water goes the field, it is absorbed. And it is not totally wasted. We use laundry detergent and dish soap. These are the chemicals that are used. But water itself is a green object.
According to some reports at least two billion people around the world do not have access to a clean water supply. This affects individuals’ lives in more ways than one and can often lead to life threatening issues.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates and engineering firm Janicki Bioenergy are currently at the forefront of the most recent groundbreaking advances in water science by discovering a way to turn feces into clean drinking water.
A machine called the “Omniprocessor” boils sewage, which is divided into water vapor and dry waste. The dry waste is then burned at an extremely high temperature in order to create steam that powers the generator. After the water is boiled off of the sewage, it is filtered to produce clean drinking water.