Bedding wrapping

Buying bedding in bulk often comes with a large price tag and an even bigger bag of plastic wrapped around it. Personally, I don’t buy bedding pellets as they’re typically a bit too rough for rats and I don’t trust my ferrets to not knock all of it out instead of letting them cause chaos however they like. Instead, I buy soft bedding, usually the Kaytee brand for my rats as it expands and is much better than wood shavings. I know very little of what actually happens to the bags once I’m done using them and place them in the recycling, but I can’t help but feel like I’m recycling something that isn’t meant to be recycled. The bedding itself on the back of the packaging claims “Clean & Cozy (TM) bedding is made from ingredients that don’t contain harmful chemicals or by-products. Instead, the bedding is a super-soft, colorfast bedding that is safe for your pets and won’t stain their cage. These products reduce the amount of waste material that ends up in the landfill. How do they do it? We get more out of our resources by using discarded remnants and trimmings from other hygienic products which may otherwise end up in landfills.” These packages are very condensed, unfortunately the plastic is sturdy, but not sturdy enough to resist the animals that bite and rip at the plastic (ferrets). Now, I looked all over my package without trying to spill any of it and didn’t see a recycle sign. I’m hoping I haven’t been recycling something that is garbage. Their website also doesn’t say which is very frustrating, so I suppose all I can do is hope that I’ve been disposing of the empty plastic bag correctly.