I have seen various methods of disposability through living in 3 states: Ohio, Idaho, Maine and now an honorary 4th, Massachusetts. In Ohio there used to be family waste help where families would go to the dump and help out others by taking their trash with them, usually other friends and family members. There used to be, possibly still is a small company that would use regular pick-up work trucks to gather waste and make various runs to waste drop offs. More places in Ohio, at least in Wooster have become much more commercialized so bigger, international companies are becoming more popular and frequent. Idaho is interesting, how well the job was done depended on the truck and the people on shift. More times than others the garbage would be picked up no problem, others there would be some picked up and other parts and bags left if behind the bins or near them but not inside the bins. It was interesting, however that didn’t happen too often. Maine, however, my family takes the trash to the local dump site and recycling plant or stations around the area. My best experience with Massachusetts is the dorm dumpsters, very interesting things those dumpsters are. Not always horrible, but sometimes when it rains or there are more bags than normal, I’m convinced they become their own habitats.