Fabric Scraps Part Two

The form of waste I am choosing is fabric waste, which I wrote my first blog post about. I consider it my responsibility to try to use as much of the fabric as I possibly can. It becomes someone else’s responsibility when I am unable or unwilling to try to use it anymore and it moves from my scrap container to the trash. Based on the way our waste systems are set up, this is the logical division, but I think with a change in what I’m doing, this division could potentially be deemed unnecessary. I could either keep all fabric scraps until I am able to do something with them, or I could stop doing things that create fabric scraps. This could look like a couple of things; I could stop sewing and doing projects with fabric, or I could ensure that none of the projects I do create any scraps. 

I don’t know the details of who deals with the waste after the people that collect it or how it’s dealt with. I would guess that if it’s specifically textile waste, as described in the reading by Gregson et al. it would be sorted into various categories. On the occasions that I do throw out fabric, it just goes into the general garbage. I do not know if that gets sorted or what exactly happens to it after it’s picked up.