As technology continues to adapt and change, along with the accessibility of online documents and other sources to create a digital footprint, the less and less the need of graphite and ink becomes as everything has slowly gone onto the computer. Photoshop, Adobe, ArtBreeder, all are current and popular ways of creating art. So, what is the future of art? Will everything be on holographic screens where people can touch, draw and write without the need of physical utensils? If you’ve seen Iron Man (the first one with Robert Downey Jr.), Tony Stark has these interactive holograms that he uses instead of pencil and paper. Less mess, less clutter, easily stored files, the possibility of the future. But what are some of the problems? Hackers and digital issues are a constant fear, the need to try and fix before anything happens is a very large market for Cyber Security, which will only grow in the face of advancing technology. Corrupt files, lost files, anything can happen and without a physical copy. So, the question is what would happen in the dismissal of graphite and ink? Would we thrive? Or would we fall? How expensive and luxurious will pencils and markers become? Or will they become completely obsolete?