Rats, bedding, nesting, oh my!

Ferrets, rats, both produce an impressive amount of soiled bedding and toys that smells completely awful if not cleaned up fast enough. Besides the bedding and toys, the debris and trash of dug out food and stuffing can be left all over the ground and it can pile up very quickly. My responsibility to not only myself, my peers and my furbutts is to make sure that I have a cleaned area that is sanitized. To my animals, I want them to be comfortable and keep them healthy. To my peers I want to make sure that they aren’t bothered by the smell or the worry of my critters getting out and getting into other’s personal items (they won’t, I’m very paranoid about it so I always check before I leave if there is any possibility that they could get out). I make sure when I clean up after them that I use a limited number of bags, deep cleaning to keep up for the next few days and then I’ll take the trash out to the dumpster outside of the dorm and throw it into the proper bin. My responsibility is to make sure that not only have I cleaned well, but that’s safe to not spill out on some poor soul. I believe my responsibility ends once I’ve checked all my marks. Now what happens to the poop-bag, I am not totally sure other than it will probably end up in some garbage dump, rotting with other trash and more than likely other poop-bags from my bi-weekly clean-ups. I only hope that the bags never rip, I have to clean it, and I know the pain of when the bedding drops and it’s just gross. To sum up this long-winded speech: my responsibility is to make whoever clears the dumps easier. The irony is that I have to constantly do this, so I’m still adding onto the waste, however I don’t think there’s a compost around here where I could donate a very constant stream of fertilizer.