Stinky Weasels

Nothing can shit at greater amounts other than a rabbit or rat, is a ferret. Yes, the title may be misleading, but I promise you they are weasels at heart. My mischief bunch produce an impressive amount of shit in the span of 3 days which causes me to be very uptight with a cleaning regiment. My rats are not as bad, they poop in little pellets and it’s much easier to clean. However, ferrets, very different story. They can have very smelly shits and ferrets themselves are stinky, so I give them vitamins and treats that have helped IMMENSLY with their odor. I have made the joke multiple times to my mother that we don’t need a composter, we just need to let the ferrets do their business and when I clean the cage, she has free waste. She was not amused by my suggestion, but she didn’t deny that it could possibly work. Rat shit would probably break down easier because they have a plant-based diet, versus that of a ferret that has a meat-based diet. Ferret shit, if left long enough, can mold and trust me when I say they are very good at hiding where they poop at times, which is why I watch them like a hawk and make sure they do their business in their cage instead of somewhere in my dorm room. Most people see ferrets and think of dirty, disgusting animals, the same for rats, but neither of them is that bad. Rats are very hygienic animals, obsessed with being clean and looking their best, while ferrets will clean and groom each other on a constant basis as a way of taking care of one another. So, yes, they are dirty in some ways, but aren’t humans dirty too? We shit, we make messes, we can smell, but that doesn’t lessen our value, it just makes us who we are in the end: animals. Everything poops, some are just worse than others.