Cleaning and Hoarding prompt

Examine the items in your immediate environment. Are there any particular things that you seem to have a significant amount of? (Include photos if possible!) Could someone make the argument that this is a form of hoarding? Are the existence of these items the result of a lack of cleaning routines, or is there a more compelling explanation?

Readings from this week include:

American Psychiatric Association. 2013. “Hoarding Disorder.” DSM-V. Washington, DC.

Herring, Scott. “Collyer Curiosa.” In The Hoarders: Material Deviance in Modern American Culture, 19–50. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014.

Martens, Lydia. “The Visible and the Invisible: (De)Regulation in Contemporary Cleaning Practices.” In Dirt: New Geographies of Cleanliness and Contamination, edited by Ben Campkin and Rosie Cox. London: I.B. Tauris, 2007, 34–48.