- Present: Lee, Tom, Emma, Kwaku (remotely)
- Scribe: Tom
NOTE: Next week we will meet from 9 to 11 AM on Friday, Feb. 8th.
Clojure Refactor
Emma has recommended some changes to Clojush, including adding command line arguments. We decided to take an incremental approach to making the changes. More information will come by email.
Uniform Crossover
- Why: We think uniform crossover may be useful for a variety of reasons, including to combat bloat.
- Idea: We want the mutability of any one point in the program to be equal.]
- How: Lee has suggested a crossover / mutation technique that allows each point to be taken from one parent or the other, using either zippers or layers.
Other note: Tom suggested using a linear uniform crossover, where each token (parenthesis or instruction or literal) could be chosen for the swap point. This would allow for a variety of crossover and mutation techniques, many of which could be borrowed from linear GAs (one or two point crossover, uniform crossover, etc.). The only downside is that some sort of repair would be necessary to ensure parenthesis matching after the crossover or mutation.