Scribe: Tom
Attending: Lee, Tom, Emma, Josiah
Benchmarking the Cluster
Lots of weird stuff is going on. See emails for more information. Josiah is going to try lein 2, map, and removing parallel garbage collection.
Memory issues on Cluster
We’re getting weird things with out of memory errors. For now, Tom is only going to use racks 1 and 2, which haven’t given any issues.
GECCO Paper Things
COSMOS paper followup is on hold.
Lee’s going to try some things to figure this out:
- Weird genetic operators
- Big instruction crutches (like mult_by_10) to see if it can be solved.
- Another big crutch could be taking out all math and see if it’s solved. If not, then there’s something more fundamental going on.
- Maybe try staging of test cases from easy to hard.
Kata Bowling
Tom will try some things here as well:
- Validation set to test near-solutions, to see if they’re close to general or just memorizing solutions.
- If they aren’t generalizing, it might be worthwhile to do something more interesting with test cases such as changing which test cases are used every (few) generation(s).
- Maybe try bigger instruction crutches here too.
This led to a discussion of burn-in period that could be used before evolution to make sure the initial guys are sufficiently good.