5 July 2012


  • Matlab: We now have access to 3 Matlab licesnses and various modules. The Simulink module only has 2 licenses available and is to be used for Lee’s collaboration with Prof Kourosh Danai. If you are interested in having access to Matlab, email Lee directly for instructions on the install. IMPORTANT: when using Matlab, you will need to explicity release your license (i.e. do not just put your computer to sleep).
  • Josiah would like to see someone become an expert in R.
  • Next lab meeting: Friday, July 13th at 1:30 in our usual room.


Discuss paper : Benchmarks

Main issues: privledging of MBF and ignoring outliers, few programming problems suggested, no dynamic problems (Lee and Tom)

Suggestion for a non-trivial programming task: evolving CPS expressions for automatic compiler generation (not terribly compelling, but an example of a programming task that’s hard for humans but easy for machines)

This paper is discussed in the GP-1 session on Monday.




Person Saturday 8:30-10:20 Saturday 10:40-12:30 Saturday Lunch Saturday 2:00-3:50 Saturday 4:10-6:00 Saturday Dinner Sunday 8:30-10:20 Sunday 10:40-12:30 Sunday Lunch Sunday 2:00-3:50 Sunday 4:10-6:00 Sunday Dinner Monday 10:40-12:00 Monday 12:20-1:40 Monday 1:40-3:00 Monday 3:40-5:00 Tuesday 10:40-12:00 Tuesday 12:20-1:40 Tuesday 1:40-3:00 Tuesday 3:40-5:00 Wednesday 10:40-12:00 Wenesday 1:40-3:00
Lee 2nd Workshop on Evolutionary Computation for the Automated Design of Algorithms 1st Workshop for Understanding Problems UP Social Undergraduate Student Workshop Expressive Genetic Programming Tutorial Evolutionary Music Humies (judging) GP Track
Emma Statistical Analysis for Evolutionary Computation Tutorial Satisitical Analysis of Optimization Algorithms with R Tutorial 1st Workshop for Understanding Problems UP Social Expressive Genetic Programming Tutorial ** ** GP-1 *** + ++ +++
Tom * Expressive Genetic Programming Tutorial ** ** GP-1 *** + ++ +++
Omri * Undergraduate Student Workshop Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation? *** + ++ +++
Kwaku * Undergraduate Student Workshop ** ** *** + ++ +++
Kyle 2nd Workshop on Evolutionary Computation for the Automated Design of Algorithms

(*) Lee would like someone to consider attending Stephanie Forrest’s Evolutionary Software Repair Tutorial that occurs during the second half (i.e. after Lee and Emma have presented) of UP workshop

(**) Suggestions for this time frame: Evolutionary Computation Software Systems Workshop (two blocks), Generative and Developmental Systems (latter block).

(***) Consider attending the IGEC/SS/SBSE Best Papers session or the GBML 4: Reinforcement Learning

(+) Consider attending GA 2: Dynamic Optimization & Exploration Techniques

(++) Consider attending Alife 2 Best Papers or GP 4 Best Papers

(+++) Consider attending GP 5: Empirical studies, which features Krzysztof Krawiec’s paper.

The poster session will be Tuesday evening.

Everyone should atted the SIGEVO meeting Wednesday morning (and also the two keynotes on previous days). Individual tracks will have their own keynote speakers. Lee will be attending Stuart Kaufman’s talk.

Everyone should at least read the first sentence of all abstracts from the proceedings when they get them!

Consider attending the best paper sessions.

Bill Tozier will be around throughout; Lee and Tom to chat with him.

SIGEVO meeting Monday evening for Lee.

Goals: network and don’t be shy about introducing yourself to someone.

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