3 May 2013

Present: Lee, Tom (scribe), Daniel, Kwaku (hangouts)

Reading for next meeting: Bill Langdon paper (emailed to list)

People Associated with Lab This Summer

  • Lee
  • Tom
  • Daniel
  • Kwaku (remotely)
  • Jake?
  • Bill
  • Kyle
  • Ryan and David (new UMass grad students)
  • Pratistha (Smith)
  • Zeke (GitHub things)

Things for Lee to take note of

  • Link to Zeke’s stuff on wiki
  • When to have next lab meeting
  • Get GPTP slides to Tom soon, preferably by early in the day Monday
  • Send Tom calc code to do lexicase case usage visualization


  • Lee makes slides
  • Tag-team presentation
    • Tom describes experiments and results
    • Lee does everything else


Lee’s new selection: Maximal Polymath selection

  • Uses elite cohorts
  • Hopes to combat some of lexicase’s problems with number of test cases vs. population size problems.
  • Pick random cohort, and then use random individual from that cohort, or use lexicase within that cohort
  • Possible issues:
    • Too much elitism?
    • Too much emphasis on weak individuals that do well on single test cases that others do poorly on?

Kwaku visualization stuff

Sounds interesting – Kwaku will get it working and send new link

Upcoming Topics

    • Synthetic parent trials
    • No-paren ULTRA / push
    • Tree GP ULTRA
  • Brevis
  • Tags
  • Environments
  • Keep Cool
  • Visualization (Push stack diagrams)

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