Work With Us

Become a Staff Member

Anyone can become a staff member of Mixed Nuts, at any time – no prior experience necessary! Students of any Div, area of study, housing situation, etc. are encouraged to join. The only criteria are that you must attend the mandatory weekly staff meetings (typically 1 hour long, with free food), have at least 2 hours free per week to work a shift behind the counter, and attend the mandatory staff retreat once per semester.

Just come to any of our weekly meetings to get started. Not sure if you want to join? You are still welcome to attend, because they are open to the public! Look for our meeting events on HampEngage.

Learn new skills

There are very many facets of running a small business that you can learn by being a part of Mixed Nuts! Have you ever wanted to learn or practice:

  • Budgeting and finances?
  • Advertising and branding?
  • Managing social media?
  • Graphic design?
  • Maintaining a website?
  • Managing powerful spreadsheets and databases?
  • Community activism?

You can lend or learn any of these skills and more by being a part of Mixed Nuts! Click here to read about our committees and learn more about the various specialized roles within the co-op.

CEL-1 (Campus-Engaged Learning)

It is possible to get CEL-1 through becoming a staff member for Mixed Nuts. At least one semester out of the year is required, and your hours will be tracked to make sure they meet the requirements.

Become a Consignment Partner

Consignment Partners allow Mixed Nuts to connect with and support artists and creators in the Hampshire community. Selling through Mixed Nuts allows artists to sell their creations in a secure space that not only is maintained by our staff, but also attracts many customers throughout the community every day. In addition, their art can be purchased via any of Mixed Nuts’ payment options, including OneCard money.

Our previous consignment items include pins, buttons, patches, zines, prints, pottery, jewelry, candles, hats, scarves, potted plants, you name it! Consignors cannot sell food items through us, however.

Mixed Nuts takes a small percentage (10%) of each item’s price, which goes directly toward supporting the co-op, and all other earnings are sent to consignors’ mail boxes every month.

Interested in selling your crafts through Mixed Nuts? Contact Mixed Nuts Consignment committee today at