
The intent of the Committees is to help evenly distribute the work of running the co-op across the members. Since committees only require an interest, skill, or combination of both, it’s easy for new members to join a committee and quickly learn the ropes.


Consignment committee handles the selling of student and community member goods. They maintain communication with consignors and keeps track of what gets sold. They make sure the money that consignors earn gets to their mailbox every month, minus a small percentage that goes towards the co-op.

Events & Outreach

This committee is in charge of our social media such as Facebook and Instagram, which are updated frequently with info and advertisements about stuff happening at the co-op. They also plan events for the co-op, such as the public event required every semester for all student groups, and often make the posters for those events.


Finance Committee (FC) is responsible for keeping track of Mixed Nuts cash transactions and keeping the point of sale (POS) system working well. We are responsible for cash out of the till every night, entering invoices, updating item prices, and keeping a record of income and expenses. Long-term goals include working towards financial stability and development of a clear budget for Mixed Nuts to follow. However, the current focus is working towards greater transparency and communication with the larger group, especially the Ordering Committee.

Interior Management

Interior Management Committee (IMC) aims to provide a clean, functional, and aesthetically pleasing space for students and community members. To ensure these standards are upheld, we’re responsible for putting in repair work orders, washing rags, ordering accessories for the space (such as the projector), and disposing of items that are no longer useful for the current space. We works closely with ServSafe to ensure that the Mixed Nuts’ space upholds industry quality standards and passes the semesterly safety inspection.


The Ordering Committee (OC) is responsible for ordering the food found in Mixed Nuts’ store and also coordinates personal bulk orders. We are responsible for ordering and supplying the cooperative with an accessible snack and meal options by being affordable and widely liked. We are dedicated to meeting the needs of every student- if there is ever an item that we do not carry, students may email us and place a personal bulk order for any item that our distributors supply. To accomplish these objectives, the OC works with local businesses in the Pioneer Valley and Mixed Nuts’ main distributor, United Natural Foods, Inc., (UNFI)to continuously supply the store responsibly.


This committee does most of the bookkeeping behind the business — including managing the primary email account, sending out weekly meeting reminders, meeting recaps, and to-do reminders. They do most of the handling of online documentation and spreadsheets in general, alongside maintaining the website.

Social Justice

The Social Justice Committee (SJC) was developed with the goal of keeping Mixed Nuts a socially conscious organization. The SJC works with Ordering Committee, Finances, and Extensions & Events to stimulate conversations about how to keep the food and space accessible to all students. Historically, the Social Justice Committee has looked at new ways of making Mixed Nuts (both the business and the community) aware of their social impact. We have done this through organizing donation funds, hosting events, and proposing alterations to the day to day function of the Co-Op. Examples include our annual fundraiser for the Holyoke Bulk Food Fund (to provide staple foods to those displaced by Hurricane Maria). This committee’s mission can change to suit its members’ interests.

Staff Relations & Accountability

Staff Relations and Accountability (SRAC) is responsible for handling any internal issues within Mixed Nuts. Whether it be an employee missing a shift or a customer that has a complaint about an employee, we are receptive to any and all feedback. Staff Relations helps to facilitate communication between all members of Mixed Nuts outside of our weekly meetings, such as sending along the meeting notes and reminding members of upcoming events and their roles.


A committee created in 2019 in the wake of the dire news of Hampshire’s budget crisis. It was assembled to be a group of members that wished to brainstorm and discuss how Mixed Nuts would respond to drastic changes in food availability at Hampshire. This committee is often in flux and its goals are directly related to the climate of the Hampshire community.