Reed, C.L., *Siqi-Liu, A., *Chitre, A., Denaro, C., *Joshi, J., Petropolis, A., *Lodge, M. Couperus, J.W., Bukach, C.M. (2022). Selective contributions of Executive Function Ability to the P3. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 51-64. DOI:
Reed, C.L., *Hagen, E., Bukach, C.M, Couperus, J.W. (2021). Effectiveness of Undergraduate-Generated Animations: Increasing Comprehension and Engagement for Neuroscience Majors and Non-Majors. Teaching of Psychology. 1-13.
Couperus, J.W., *Lydic, K.O., *Hollis, J.E., *Roy, J.L, *Lowe, A.R., Bukach, C., Reed., C. (2021). Individual Differences in Working Memory and the N2pc. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.15:620413 DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.620413
Bukach, C.M., Bukach, N., Reed, C.L., & Couperus, J.W. (2021). Open Science as a Path to Education of New Psychophysiologists. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 76-83. DOI:
Couperus, J.W., *Lydic, K.O. (2019). Attentional Set and the Gradient of Visual Spatial Attention. Neuroscience Letters. 712, 134495.
Couperus, J.W. (2019). Suppression in Object Based Attention. Visual Cognition. 27:2, 93-108, DOI: 10.1080/13506285.2019.1604592
Bukach, C., Reed, C., Couperus, J.W. *Steward, K. (2019). Using Collaborative Models to Overcome Obstacles to Undergraduate Publication in Cognitive Neuroscience. Frontiers in Psychology (Educational Psychology). 10, 549.
*Jackson, W., *Song, J., *Steward, K., Couperus, J.W., Reed, C.L., & Bukach, C.M. (2018). Interactive neuroscience: Creating interactive web-based simulations to demonstrate difficult concepts through student-faculty collaboration. In B. Brown & J. Holmes (Eds.). Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2017-18. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:
*Hagen, E., Couperus, J.W., Bukach, C.M., & Reed, C.L. (2018). Visualizing neuroscience: applying best practices when creating animations of difficult concepts In B. Brown & J. Holmes (Eds.). Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2017-18. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology web site:
Couperus, J.W., *Quirk, C. (2015). Visual Search and the N2pc in Children. Attention Perception and Psychophysics, 77(3) 768-776. DOI 10.3758/s13414-015-0833-5
Willey, A., Subramaniam, B., Hamilton, J., and Couperus, J.W. (2015) The Mating Life of Geeks: Autism and the New Demography of Extreme Love. SIGNS Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 40(2) 369-391.
Couperus, J.W., *Alperin, B., *Furlong, D., *Mott, K. (2014). Visual Selective Attention in ADHD: A detailed examination of facilitation and suppression. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 4, 129-140.
Couperus, J.W. (2011). Effects of Perceptual Load on Selective Attention Across Development. Developmental Psychology, 47(5), 1431-1439. DOI: 10.1037/a0024027
***Benau, E. M., Morris, J., Couperus, J.W. (2011). Semantic processing in 10 year olds and adults: Incongruity and the N400. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 40(3), 225-239. DOI: 10.1007/s10936-011-9167-1
Couperus, J.W., Hunt, R., Nelson, C.A., Thomas, K. (2011). Visual Search and Contextual Cueing: Differential Effects in 10-Year-Old Children and Adults. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics 73(3), 334-348. DOI: 10.3758/s13414-010-0021-6
Couperus, J.W. (2010). Perceptual Load Modifies Processing of Unattended Stimuli Both In the Presence and Absence of Attended Stimuli. Neuroscience Letters 485, 246-250. DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2010.09.023
Couperus, J.W., Mangun, G.R. (2010). Signal Enhancement and Suppression During Visual-Spatial Selective Attention. Brain Research 1359, 155-177. DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2010.08.076
Couperus, J. W. (2009a) Implicit learning modulates selective attention at sensory levels of perceptual processing. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics 71(2), 342-351. doi:10.3758/APP.71.2.342
Karatekin, C., Couperus, J. W., Marcus, D. J., & White, T. J. (2008). Effects of delay and retrieval mode on memory-guided saccades in 10-year-olds and adults. In N. B. Johansen (Ed.), New Research on Short-Term Memory. Happauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Karatekin, C., Marcus, D., & Couperus, J.W. (2007). Regulation of Cognitive Resources During Sustained Attention and Working Memory in 10-year-olds and Adults. Psychophysiology, 44(1), 128-144.
Couperus, J.W. & C.A. Nelson (2006). Early Brain Development and Plasticity. In K. McCartney and D. Phillips (Eds), The Blackwell Handbook of Early Childhood Development. NY:Blackwell.
Karatekin, C., Couperus, J.W., Marcus, D.J. (2004). Attention allocation on the dual task paradigm as measured through behavioral and psychophysiological responses. Psychophysiology 41(2), 175-185.
*=undergraduate student
**=graduate student
***=study designed and run by undergraduate and written up for publication by Couperus