In the series “Student Voices,” current students write about the reasons they chose Hampshire and how our educational model works from their perspective.
As you’re applying to colleges, you’re probably looking for a school that will have a positive impact on you—somewhere where you can gain essential skills, make important connections, and become involved in a friendly and supportive student community. If you’re looking for colleges that change lives, Hampshire College is a school to consider.
I began my studies at Hampshire a little more than three years ago, and at the time I did not know what to expect. It wasn’t long until Hampshire started to change my perspective on education and I began to feel like a much better and more active student.
Hampshire has a unique Divisional system, which sets it apart from other colleges. Instead of pursuing a major, students are able to design their own concentrations to suit their individual interests. In addition, students receive in-depth feedback from professors and classmates instead of taking exams or receiving letter grades. In this way, Hampshire takes a different and ambitious approach to college education.
At my high school, where there was an emphasis on earning high grades, I often felt that it was more about memorization and not about actually learning things. There was a lot of pressure to remember facts that would later be on tests. As a result, students were sometimes more focused on asking what they would and wouldn’t be tested on, instead of being engaged in thought-provoking conversations.
My experience at Hampshire has been entirely different and much more productive. Since there are no tests or letter grades, there is less academic competition between students. Instead, everyone is focused on having thoughtful conversations and exchanging valuable feedback. Education at Hampshire is less about preparing for a final result, but more about the learning process and experience.
Hampshire College is a member of Colleges That Change Lives, which is a selective list of only 44 colleges in the country. Studying at Hampshire has definitely had a positive impact on me, and I strongly recommend learning more about Hampshire if you are searching for a life-changing school.