This Book: Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity

If you are looking for an interesting read into one activist’s vision of what a queer future would look like then this is the book for you. José Esteban Muñoz, who is also the keynote speaker for the Five College Queer Gender and Sexuality Conference (happening this Friday and Saturday, March 1 and 2), presents his vision of a radical gay aesthetic through the mediums of literature, writing, and even performance to present his vision of a utopian queer future.

“In both Cruising Utopia and Disidentifications, Muñoz traces his queer theoretical genealogy through sources as varied as women-of-color feminism on the one hand, and a certain tradition of Marxian thought on the other. He cruises theory, moving seamlessly from Anzaldúa and Alarcón to Ernst Bloch, CLR James, Adorno, Derrida and Raymond Williams, those figures in leftist thought whose work is not typically mined within queer scholarship. Similarly if we trace the genealogy of what has now come to be known as queer of color and queer diasporic critique, Muñoz’s work–with its insistence on the endlessly imaginative modes of being that emerge within queer, and particularly queer of color, subcultures–stands as a crucial milestone.”-Gayatri Gopinath, Social Text/Periscope,

You can find this book on the Five College Catalog here! And we even have an online version available here! for easy reading on the go!

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