Atheist Popcorn


7 Nov 2014


This video, which is less an a minute long, presents an intelligent design paradigm for creation.  It suggests that just like someone had to build the microwave, put popcorn in it, and start the process for making popcorn, so too did a Creator, here identified as Allah, need to make the universe and the beings in it.  Unlike most of the other videos in the series, this one does not quote the Qurʾān.

The hashtag in the video and the video’s title, #atheistlogic, is meant to be sarcastic, suggesting that it is absurd to think this way.

The video’s description says it is by “A. Elmo”, from Quest Media Productions, which is likely Atef Elmohandis .  There are several other videos approaching intelligent design from a Muslim perspective in this series that may be found by entering the hashtag in the Portal’s search engine.


The only presentation of Islam here is that “Allah created the universe”, which is within the bounds of what Muslims have historically understood as acceptable.

To suggest that the creation of the universe (and humans) is like making popcorn in a microwave is to present a misunderstanding of the time scales over which evolutionary processes occur.

There is insufficient historical material on which to base an evaluation.