Refined earthenware, lacquer, and gold (kintsugi); transfer printed with cobalt blue and lead glaze (pearlware), 12 in.
Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, Purchase with the Elizabeth Peirce Allyn (Class of 1951) Fund
MH 2015.12.2
Paul Scott mixes the old and new in Palestine, Gaza, a piece of his Cumbrian Blue(s) series. Using a nineteenth century transferware plate as his canvas, the artist overlays a found digital image of a bombed out building from recent Middle Eastern conflicts, in order to transform the functional object into a work of art. Scott uses this juxtaposition of the old and new to raise awareness of current worldwide political events. The sharp contrasts between the soft blue nostalgic design of the original image and the jagged edges of a destroyed building elicits an emotional and visceral reaction.