Share Your Research on Public Radio

AAC&U President Lynn Pasquerella is host of the radio segment The Academic Minute, produced by WAMC Northeast Public Radio in partnership with AAC&U. The Academic Minute features faculty and researchers from colleges and universities around the world discussing what’s new in the academy and the ways in which academic research contributes to serving the public good. In addition to being broadcast widely on radio stations around the country, each segment is posted daily on Inside Higher Ed and across The Academic Minute’s and AAC&U’s social media portals.

The Academic Minute is seeking individual submissions for upcoming segments on any topic, and campuses are also encouraged to submit ideas for “weekly takeovers” featuring five separate research segments from a single institution. Recent weekly takeovers featured research from Whitworth University, Cornell College, Lafayette College, and Purdue University (upcoming).

Please send submissions to David Hopper at, and be sure to tune in daily to The Academic Minute. Thank you for considering this opportunity for public engagement.

Sixth International Digital Storytelling Conference

The Sixth International Digital Storytelling Conference is happening September 25-27 in the Five College area! The theme is Voices and Change: Activism, Education & Public Service. Please tell your colleagues and friends about this historic conference, the first of its kind on American soil!The website for the conference is live at

The conference is hosted by Smith College, with plenary events happening at UMass, Mount Holyoke College and other venues in the Five College area.

The Call for Papers is now open through March 31, 2015.
For questions, please email Yvonne Mendez at Look for more info in the coming weeks!


Blended Learning Resources and Conference

Interested in Blended Learning?

Visit the Bryn Mawr Blended Learning Initiative Blog. If you’d like to be kept up to date on the Bryn Mawr project developments and opportunities, please add your name to their mailing list.

OR: Attend the  the fourth annual conference on Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts on May 20-21, 2015 at Bryn Mawr. The focus of the conference will be on using blended learning to improve student learning outcomes and support the missions and cultures of liberal arts colleges. Come share ideas and information about findings, experiences, and best practices with LAC faculty and staff, and get some hands on experience with materials and technologies.

Contact Laura Wenk ( to see if the CTL can help support your attendance.




VitaeThe Chronicle of Higher Ed has launched Vitae. It is the only online career hub dedicated to faculty and administrators with the goal of helping them with all aspects of their jobs. Vitae offers free career management tools, community, insights about teaching, scholarship, and life in academia.

Visit the FAQ to learn more about Vitae.